Dylan Farrow Woody Allen: 8 lies about sexual abuse – Lie 5

This lie is the Lie Number 5 from Dylan Farrow Woody Allen: 8 lies about sexual abuse in 9 paragraphs.

We are going to debunk one of Dylan Farrow’s biggest lie: quoting the Supreme Court document by modifying the text.

As this lie is about the experts exonerating Woody Allen of sexual abuse, let’s first have a look about what these experts say.


Child Sexual Abuse Clinic Evaluation of Dylan Farrow.

New-Haven Yale report: typed transcription and original document


Excerpt 1

Dylan Farrow (BD 7/11/85, Unit # 1502912) was referred to the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale-New Haven Hospital in September 1992. The referral was made by the Connecticut State Police at a meeting of the Police (Beatrice Farlekas and John Mucherino), State’s Attorney Frank Maco, and members of the Child Sexual Abuse Team. At that meeting, the history that the police had at the time was briefly presented, and the videotape (taken by Ms.Farrow) of Dylan telling what had reportedly happened to her was reviewed.Two major questions that were posed in the referral were:

Is Dylan telling the truth, and did we think that she was sexually abused?


Excerpt 2

It is our expert opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused by Mr. Allen. Further, we believe that Dylan’s statements on videotape and her statements to us during our evaluation do not refer to actual events that occurred to her on August 4, 1992.


Excerpt 3

The major reasons for our opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused are the following:

(1) There were important inconsistencies in Dylan’s statements in the videotape and in her statements to us.

(2) She appeared to struggle with how to tell about the touching.

(3) She told the story in a manner that was overly thoughtful and controlling. There was no spontaneity in her statements, and a rehearsed quality was suggested in how she spoke.

(4) Her descriptions of the details surrounding the alleged events were unusual and were inconsistent.


Dylan Farrow’s lie about the experts who exonerated Woody Allen.

In Vanity Fair, Dylan Farrow wrote:

With all the attempts to misrepresent the facts, it is important to be reminded of the truth contained in court documents from the only final ruling in this case, by the New York Supreme Court in 1992. In denying my father all access to me, that court:

(HERE IS THE LIE) – Debunked the “experts” my father claims exonerated him, calling them “colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen”

At this point, you’ve no choices: the “experts” who have written the New-Haven Yale report exonerating Woody Allen are “colored by their loyalty to him”. Worst, maybe you’re even ready to believe they were employed and payed by Woody Allen.

But NEVER Justice Wilk called the experts from the New-Haven Hospital who exonerated Woody Allen “colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen.”


Dylan and Ronan child psychologists were not the experts of the New-Haven Yale team.

Just think a little bit:

The referral was made by the Connecticut State Police at a meeting of the Police (Beatrice Farlekas and John Mucherino), State’s Attorney Frank Maco, and members of the Child Sexual Abuse Team.

Can you really believe that the experts specifically chosen by the Connecticut police and the prosecutor Frank Maco could have been “colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen.”? And with the approbation of Justice Wilk who ruled the custody trial for the Supreme Court?

Justice Wilk was married to a feminist attorney who “believes the victim”. And because Woody Allen showed no remorse for his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn, Mia Farrow’s 20 years old adoptive daughter, Justice Wilk was already openly biased against him. He found some reasons to challenge ALL opinions saying Woody Allen didn’t abuse Dylan, especially the two child psychologists who treated Dylan and Satcha (Ronan) Farrow:

Both Dr. Coates and Dr. Schultz expressed their opinions that Mr. Allen did not sexually abuse Dylan. Neither Dr. Coates nor Dr. Sc­hultz has expertise in the field of child sexual abuse. I believe that the opinions of Dr. Coates and Dr. Schultz may have been colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen.

The Dr. Coates and Dr. Schultz were Dylan and Satchel (now Ronan) child psychologists. They were NOT the experts from the New-Haven Yale hospital who exonerated Woody Allen.



Dylan Farrow’s lie is just confirmed by Justice Wilk

I have also considered the report of the Yale-New Haven team and the deposition testimony of Dr. John M. Leventhal. The Yale-New Haven investigation was conducted over a six-month period by Dr. Leventhal, a pediatrician; Dr. Julia Hamilton, who has a Ph.D. in social work; and Ms. Jennifer Sawyer, who has a master’s degree in social work.

These people are the true experts who exonerated Woody Allen of child sexual abuse. The court never said that their opinion was colored by their loyalty to Woody Allen.


Responsibility for different aspects of the investigation was divided among the team. The notes of the team members were destroyed prior to the issuance of the report, which, presumably, is an amalgamation of their independent impressions and observations. The unavailability of the notes, together with their unwillingness to testify at this trial except through the deposition of Dr. Leventhal, compromised my ability to scrutinize their findings and resulted in a report which was sanitized and, therefore, less credible.

It’s would be easy to challenge Justice Wilk about his opinion on the report of the Yale-New Haven team. Right now, we won’t. Even sanitized and less credible, the report is still to much credible: Dylan Farrow is forced to edit the truth contained in court documents exonerating Woody Allen of sexual abuse.



Woody Allen has been exonerated by more experts, “forgotten” by Dylan Farrow.

Of course, Dylan prefers to lie about the New-Haven Yale’s experts than inform people about more experts exonerating Woody Allen.

On October 7, 1993, a second independent 14-month-old investigation, from the New York State child welfare, cleared a second time Woody Allen and declared the Dylan Farrow sexual abuse allegation unfounded: “No credible evidence was found that the child named in this report has been abused or maltreated. This report has, therefore, been considered unfounded.”



Dylan Farrow’s lie is not an isolated one.

Dylan is not afraid to edit and manipulate grossly a document as fundamental as the judgment of the Supreme Court: no lie will stop her.

The fact is, in every answer to Woody Allen’s statement, Dylan Farrow is lying or manipulating the truth. As mentioned above, many of her answers are paraphrasing the discredited “10 Undeniable facts/lies…” by Maureen Orth.

Dylan Farrow Woody Allen: 8 lies about sexual abuse in 9 paragraphs


About John Mishel Leventhal who conducted the six months New-Haven Yale report.

The more you learn on the Doctor John Leventhal, the more you understand why Dylan Farrow is lying about the experts who exonerated Woody Allen.

John M. Leventhal, MD, a nationally recognized expert on child abuse, serves as medical director of Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital Child Abuse Program, one of the oldest programs of its kind in the country.

Honors and Recognitions

  • 2014 Champions of Children Award: Center for Children’s Advocacy (2014)
  • Miller-Sarkin Mentoring Award (For work as an outstanding educator and mentor): Academic Pediatric Association (2011)
  • Ray E. Helfer Society Award for distinguished achievement in the field of Child Abuse and Neglect: Helfer Society (2010)
  • Norman J. Siegel Award, 2007-2008 (To that member of the Yale Pediatric Faculty who consistently surpasses the highest standards of patient care, generous collegiality and leadership by example): Department of Pediatrics (2008)
  • George Armstrong Award (Lifetime Achievement Award): Academic Pediatric Association (2008)
  • The Eleventh Millie and Richard Brock Award (In Recognition of Distinguished Contributions to Pediatrics): New York Academy of Medicine (2006)
  • Keren Foundation Lectureship at Eighth Annual Danbury Child Abuse Prevention Conference: Danbury Hospital (2006)
  • Departmental Award of Special Achievement: New Haven Police Department (2006)

20 Undeniable facts about Woody Allen40 Undeniable facts about Mia Farrow

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