Tam Farrow erased from a photo with Mia Farrow and Hillary Clinton
Tam Farrow, who killed herself when she was 21 years old, was erased from a picture with Hillary Clinton, Mia Farrow, Ronan Farrow, Dylan Farrow

Dylan Farrow: 8 Lies About Woody Allen, the 1 Minute Version

As a child, Dylan Farrow’s sexual abuse allegation against Woody Allen wasn’t find credible by 2 independent teams of experts on sexual abuse. As an adult, she’s lying for everything and there is evidence.

This post is an excerpt from a larger essay completed with sources and links.

Dylan Farrow’s 8 Lies

Dylan Farrow’s 8 lies have been written in a single letter published by Vanity Fair, a magazine of popular culture, well known for supporting Mia Farrow and slandering Woody Allen since 1992 (Mia Story). Dylan used all or part of these 8 lies many times, like in her statement  to Soon-Yi testimony on New York Magazine on September 17, 2018.

The Never Wavered Lie

For 20 years, I have never wavered in describing what he did to me.

Quite the opposite! Dylan Farrow has wavered all time, both as a child and as an adult. Woody Allen never changed in his deny.

As a child, Dylan Farrow even said: “I like to cheat on my stories.”


The Own Therapist Lie

“…he was in treatment for what his own therapist described as “inappropriate” behavior with me…”

Dylan and Satchel (now Ronan) Farrow were in treatment with two child psychologists, Woody Allen wasn’t. One of Dylan’s child psychologist found that Woody Allen behavior with Dylan was inappropriately intense because it excluded everybody else, and it placed a demand on a child for a kind of acknowledgment that I felt should not be placed on a child”. He also precised “I didn’t see it as sexual”. Supreme Court Document.


The Polygraph Lie

“…he refused to take the test administered by the state police…”

Woody Allen was never asked by the state police to take a polygraph but took one voluntary and passed. He asked to Mia Farrow to take one, she refused.


The Independent Journalists Lie

These and other misrepresentations have been rebutted in more detail by independent, highly respected journalists, [including this most recent article here] (http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2014/02/woody-allen-sex-abuse-10-facts).

Many Dylan Farrow’s lies are directly copied from “10 Undeniable facts…” wrote by Maureen Orth for Vanity Fair. Maureen Orth has obediently reported Mia Farrow words and lies since 1992 (Mia Story) and is also known for slandering Michael Jackson.

An other “independent, highly respected journalist” is Nicholas Kristof, Mia Farrow’s very close friend, who published Dylan’s open letter in The NYT and lied about Moses Farrow.

The third “independent” journalist must be Ronan Farrow…


The Experts Lie (editing the Supreme Court document)

“…debunked the experts my father claims exonerated him, calling them colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen…

Both Dr. Coates and Dr. Schlutz, Dylan and Ronan child psychologists, didn’t believe the abuse occurred. The judge said their judgement could have been colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen. But Neither Dr. Coates nor Dr. Schlutz were part of the team of experts commissioned by the State police and the prosecutor Frank Maco! NEVER.

After nine interview with Dylan and reviewing the videotape, the team of experts – who had zero link with Dr. Coates and Dr. Schlutz – concluded unambiguously that Dylan Farrow wasn’t abused sexually and suggested she was coached by Mia Farrow.

Dylan Farrow “forgets” also to mention that after a 14 months investigation, a second independent rapport from the New York State Department of Social Services cleared Woody Allen of any sexual abuse a second time.


The Plural Lie

“…Included testimony from babysitters…

Babysitters with a s is a lie: there is one and only testimony.


The Babysitter Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Lie

…who witnessed inappropriate sexual behavior by my father toward me…” 

Never Justice Wilk in the Supreme Court document used the words “inappropriate sexual behavior” about the babysitter testimony. The words “inappropriate sexual behavior” are the creation of an adult Dylan Farrow who has previously lied by writing “…he was in treatment for what his own therapist described as “inappropriate” behavior with me…”  (Lie Number 2) and is going to lie again about Woody Allen’s “grossly inappropriate” behavior (Lie Number 8).


The Grossly Inappropriate Behavior Lie

“… Concluded that the evidence “proves that Mr. Allen’s behavior toward Dylan was grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her.”

To suggest that “grossly inappropriate” is about sexual abuse, Dylan doesn’t quote the whole sentence. She lies by adding the word “evidence” before the quote, stolen from a previous sentence from Justice Wilk: “The evidence suggests that it is unlikely that he (Woody Allen) could be successfully prosecuted for sexual abuse.”

RELATED CONTENT. 20 Undeniable Facts About Woody Allen40 Undeniable Facts About Mia Farrow

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