Ronan Farrow Being Allowed to Kill Woody Allen’s Book Deal is Absurd, Hypocritical, and Dangerous

In a sequence of events which was, paradoxically, as outrageously stunning as it was easily predictable, Hachette Books, which had planned to publish filmmaker Woody Allen’s memoir, has caved under pressure and killed the deal.

Ronan Farrow – Angela Weiss/Getty Images

Read the full story on MediaIte.

How Ronan Farrow pressured New York Magazine about Soon-Yi profile

This is not the first time that Ronan Farrow try to silence Woody Allen or the people supporting him.

On Sept. 16, 2018, New York Magazine published Introducing Soon-Yi Previn a profile of Mia Farrow’s daughter and Woody Allen’s wife written by Daphne Merkin.

On Sept. 20, the Italian Newspaper, Rivista Studio, published an interview with Daphne Merkin in which she reveals how Ronan Farrow pressured New York magazine to edit Soon Yi’s interview. The interview with Merkin was conducted by Italian journalist Guia Soncini.

Read how Ronan Farrow pressured New York Magazine about Soon-Yi Profile.

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