Woody Allen: Lies and Gossips

Everyday, lies and gossips about Woody Allen are spreading media and social networks. It seems many people lie on purpose to slander him.

By “man”, you must understand “man and woman”…

Is Khadijah White really “Prof at Rudgers” ?

According to her Twitter profile, Khakihah White is a teacher at Rudgers University.

If true, she’s ready to teach to her student that in USA you can marry your own daughter:

Khadijah White is also multiplying lies to slander Woody Allen:

Woody Allen and Mia Farrow never lived together, Woody Allen didn’t help Mia Farrow to raise Soon-Yi Previn.

Woody Allen didn’t have biological children, only one child,  Satchel/Ronan Farrow, born on December 1987, when Soon-Yi Previn was already 17 years old.

Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen relationship began when Soon-Yi was 21 years old, not 17 or 18. “Until 1990, although he had had little contact with any of the Previn children, Mr. Allen had the least to do with Soon-Yi.”Justice Wilk, Supreme Court

Both Soon-Yi Previn, Justice Wilk and Mia Farrow agree that Woody Allen wasn’t a paternal figure for Soon-Yi Previn when she was a child.

Medias whereKhadijah White has or will spread her lies:

“She has written for The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Root, Huffington Post, BBC, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Los Angeles Times, Quartz, Gizmodo, and Buzzfeed.” – Source: Oxford University Press


Anna Fearon on Twitter

If somebody evaded justice, it’s Anna Fearon. Woody Allen was investigated for months by two teams of experts on sexual abuse and cleared two times.

Micha Frazer-Carroll on Twitter

There is zero women’s testimony against Woody Allen. Only Dylan Farrow’s allegation, found no credible by two independent teams of experts on sexual abuse (Connecticut, New York).

Nicola Coughlan on Twitter

Maureen Orth’s article in Vanity Fair, “10 Undeniable Facts About The Woody Allen Sexual-Abuse Allegation”  is complete bunk. It is a distorted exercise of full-on mendaciousness from beginning to end.

Maureen Orth's 10 Undeniable Facts Is Complete Bunk
Why Maureen Orth’s “10 Undeniable Facts About The Woody Allen Sexual-Abuse Allegation” Is Complete Bunk.

How some people can still help to spread them in 2020, speak volume about these people.

Moya Lothian-Mclean on Twitter

Moya Lothian-Mclean wasn’t happy with Hardley Freeman article for The Guardian: the article is about facts clearing Woody Allen and for personal reasons, she needs the great director guilty.

“… decades of predatory behaviour.”  ? This is a huge lie: except Dylan Farrow, one time nobody has ever complaint about Woody Allen, who was right to say he should be the poster boy for the MeToo movement:

But you know I, I should be the poster boy for the #MeToo movement. Because I have worked in movies for 50 years. I’ve worked with hundreds of actresses and not a single one – big ones, famous ones, ones starting out – have ever, ever suggested any kind of impropriety at all. I’ve always had a wonderful record with them.Woody Allen, The Guardian

But as you can check below, Moya Lothian-Mclean has some serious sources !

Fiona Sturges for The Guardian

A review about “Apropos of Something” for The Guardian.

“…his revelation that ‘we couldn’t keep our hands of each other’ is, frankly, too much information when discussing a woman who was, to all intents and purposes, his stepdaughter.”

Woody Allen and Mia Farrow were never married and never lived together.

When she was a child, Woody Allen was never a paternal figure for Sooy-Yi Previn, as confirmed both by Soon-Yi Previn, Justice Wilk (Supreme Court) and Mia Farrow.

Rachel Cooke for The Guardian

A no review about “Apropos of Something” for The Guardian.

“The book is dedicated to Soon-Yi, the stepdaughter he seduced…”

Stepdaughter ? Woody Allen and Mia Farrow were never married and never lived together.

When she was a child, Woody Allen was never a paternal figure for Sooy-Yi Previn, as confirmed both by Soon-Yi Previn, Justice Wilk (Supreme Court) and Mia Farrow.

Did Rachel Cooke even read the book ? Or does she lies on purpose ?

Many people contacted Rachel Cooke on Twitter, asking for a correction. She didn’t answer and didn’t correct her text and it seems that The Guardian is protecting her.

Meanwhile, at the end of the article, The Guardian is asking for support:

News is under threat …
… just when we need it the most. Millions of readers around the world are flocking to the Guardian in search of honest, authoritative, fact-based reporting that can help them understand the biggest challenge we have faced in our lifetime.

… “fact-based reporting” ? Really ?

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