Tam Farrow erased from a photo with Mia Farrow and Hillary Clinton
Tam Farrow, who killed herself when she was 21 years old, was erased from a picture with Hillary Clinton, Mia Farrow, Ronan Farrow, Dylan Farrow

True Pedophiles Love to Hide by Calling Other Pedophile

Real pedophiles love to hide themselves by accusing others of being pedophiles.

True Pedophiles Accusing or Hunting People

John Charles Villers-Farrow, Mia Farrow’s Brother

We have a good example with Mia Farrow’s brother, John Charles Villers-Farrow, who has been sentenced to 25 year in prison for sexually abusing two boys in his Maryland neighborhood (Ronan Farrow has spoken a lot about his uncle…).

RELATED CONTENT. Is Mia Farrow a pedophile like her brother, a convicted child molester?

Farrow was given a 25 year sentence, which was turned into 10 years. He served only 7, even though he destroyed the lives of two young men who have to live with what he did to them. He was released on February 12, 2020.

Carl Beech, VIP Paedophile Ring Accuser

Of course, Mia Farrow’s brother is not alone. For example, more recently, in May 2019, the court was told how Carl Beech was himself a “committed and manipulative paedophile” who, at the same time as he was claiming to police to be a victim of abuse, viewed indecent images of young boys and covertly recorded a child using the toilet.

Carl Beech was jailed at Newcastle Crown Court in July 2019 after being convicted of 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one of fraud.

Carl Beech loses jail term cut bid.

Joel A. Davis Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

In 2015, Joel A. Davis was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after he helped to found Youth to End Sexual Violence. The Spectator report says that Davis was once the chairman for the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence.

Joel Davis now faces up to life behind bars for his sick crimes, Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman announced.

Paedophile “Hunter”, Cameron Battisson

On June 2019, a paedophile hunter who downloaded over 1,700 images of child abuse over two years after becoming attracted to the sickening photographs has been arrested.

RELATED CONTENT. Why police are worried about increase in ‘paedophile hunters’

‘Trusted’ Paedophile Hunter Policeman Lee Vincent Kelly

A respected policeman who helped to hunt paedophiles was caught with nearly 1,000 ­indecent images of children.

Facts and American Justice Say Woody Allen Is Not a Pedophile

Dylan Farrow’s sexual abuse allegation was investigated for MONTHS by two teams of experts on sexual abuse (Connecticut, New York). Both found her allegation no credible.

Mia & Dylan Farrow - New-Haven hospital, Sexual abuse evaluation
On October 7, 1993, a second independent 14-month-old investigation, from the New York State child welfare, cleared a second time Woody Allen. Moses Farrow, present on August 4, 1992, confirmed that the abuse never happened.

Furthermore, Moses Farrow was present on August 4, 1992: he has confirmed that the sexual abuse never happened.

Moses Farrow is the brother of Dylan Farrow and Ronan Farrow
“I was present for everything that transpired in our house before, during, and after the alleged event.”

People Calling Woody Allen a Pedophile

Below are some recent tweets calling Woody Allen – or people supporting due process about Woody Allen – a pedophile. In contrary of Woody Allen, investigated for months by 2 independent teams of experts and cleared 2 times, the people who have written them have not been investigated.

At least, not yet.

Translation by Google: And all the p @ # $ in Hollywood happy making movies with him. He also abused his biological daughter. He is a pedophile of m …

“… the Yale-New Haven folks knew it…” Sure:

It is our expert opinion that Dylan was not sexually abused by Mr. Allen. Further, we believe that Dylan’s statements on videotape and her statements to us during our evaluation do not refer to actual events that occurred to her on August 4, 1992.

Read the full Child Sexual Abuse Clinic Evaluation of Dylan Farrow

Why do you think Paul Fischer is lying so stupidly ?

Sure: The team of experts on sexual abuse suggested she was coached by Mia Farrow and Dylan changed her story many times and even said: “I like to cheat on my stories”. And as an adult she’s multiplying new lies.

Not only the daughter of André Previn isn’t Allen’s daughter or stepdaughter, but he was never a paternal figure for her when she was a child, as confirmed both by Soon-Yi, Justice Wilk, (Supreme Court Document) and even Mia Farrow.

Please don’t try and dramatize my relationship with Woody Allen. He was never any kind of father figure to me. I never had any dealings with him. He rarely came to our apartment before his own children were (mistake, own child was) born. Even then, he never spoke and the truth is I never cared that much for him. He was always preoccupied with work and never talked to me. Not really to any of us. Only when Dylan (mistake, you must read Satchel, Ronan previous name) was born did he start visiting regularly and then only to play with the baby. My own father is Andre Previn, who came to visit pretty often and took us all out frequently. When I first got friendly with Woody, he and Mia were finished with their romance and were just friends. I think Mia would have been just as angry if he had taken up with another actress or his secretary.

and the Supreme Court, Justice Wilk“Until 1990, although he had little contact with any of the Previn children, Mr. Allen had the least to do with Soon-Yi.

There is a full post about @AdequateEmily and her 8000 followers.

Smart and educated people know that in US you can marry your own child

As everybody knows, the little girl is Bechet Allen. People believing that in USA you can marry your own daughter are especially deeply stupid.

I see that Kate Winslet is TT for having criticized Woody Allen and Roman Polanski and it seems perfect to me. Polanski raped a 13-year-old girl and W. Allen married her adoptive stepdaughter. It should be remembered that they are misogynists and pedophiles. They and their lofty work can go to hell.

Read more about the stupidity and racism of people publishing this stupid and disgusting lie.